Monday, February 14, 2011


Click on the link for CTS PowerPoint: PAUL for Topics 13, 14, and 15

Fr. Alex Muana, SVD and I will not be around on March 12 (for me: because of the Family Bible Quiz Grand Finals), but I have invited resource speakers to facilitate the our classes:

In the morning: 9:00 am  - 12:00 - The Catholic Epistles with Fr. Ronnie Crisostomo, SVD
In the afternoon 1:300 pm - 4:30 pm - The Book of Revelation with Mr. Resty Adoremus*
*Mr.  Resty Adoremus or Kuya Resty is a lay person, a CPA by profession. He is a graduate of the Pastoral Biblical School (run by the Claretians) where I taught (before it closed down). Kuya Resty is active with the Biblical Apostolate in Metro Manila and often invited as a resource speaker of Radio Veritas AM 846.